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I'm Jake

a programmer

A flock of pigeons line the sidewalk below the Cascades monument in Yerevan, Armenia.

It wasn't long ago that a great way to send data to someone was to attach a small note to the leg to a carrier pigeon. Fortunately, these days, we don’t need to employ millions of pigeons in order to sync data between two systems. Now all those pigeons are free to retire to their big city havens to snag tasty morsels from unsuspecting pedestrians.


My Skills.

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System to system integration

Moving data between systems isn't easy. You need a good server, a sensible API, and perhaps some HangFire jobs or SQL Server Integration Services jobs running in the background. Carrier pigeons not included.

I usually work with windows based servers. IIS can be tricky to configure, but it's pretty effective. Azure web servers are the way to go.

I like Azure Service Fabric services because they make it easy to scale your business logic in step with scaling your business.

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Software development

Modern software development is both an art, and a badge of determination. Just because the end user doesn't see the code doesn't mean it can be ugly. There is a fine balance between development velocity, syntactic elegance, and highly performant code.

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